Stay Out Of My Laboratory

"DEEDEE!” Dexter wailed, a machine distantly bursting into flames and crashing to the ground with a clatter. “HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUTTA MY LABORATORY!?”
Dexter’s tall and gangly sister laughed, pressing any sort of buttons she could get her hands on and wreaking more havoc through her brothers facility. She laughed, danced and sang as machines toppled and burst around her helplessly; her brother doing all that he could to limit the destruction for today. 
“KIIIIDSSSS! BREAK-FUST!” Mom rang out from downstairs, both of the siblings stopping short and quickly making their way out, Dexter fuming as always. The Kitchen was as it always was, warmly lit with their Mother making stacks and stacks of pancakes, bowls of eggs and at least three glasses of different juices. The children sat down quickly, throwing insults at one another in between mouthfulls of food. 
“Mother, where is Father?” Dexter said after a few moments. Mom stared for a moment blankly, a vacant smile coming back to her face. “Oh, he's upstairs honey.” She said somewhat distantly. “Deedee, your Father needs to speak to you the moment you get done eating, hon. He says it’s important.” Deedee stared at her for a moment, giving a grunt of acknowledgement and continuing to shovel food down her mouth. She ignored her younger Brother’s taunts and insults over how much trouble she was in. After being excused she left the kitchen, the rest of the family still eating. With heavy steps she walked up the stairs to her parents Bedroom, knocking on the door.
“Come in..” She heard her own Father’s voice ring somewhat softly. Deedee opened the door slowly, flooding the room with a beam of light that slowly expanded to show Dad: He was still laying in bed, pajamas and all, looking more then happy to see his Daughter at last. 
“Come in.. Deedee.” He said softly, the girl looking apprensive and shutting the door with a loud snap. He smiles and sat up quickly, his shirt looking like it was unbuttoned the whole time. “Have a sit right here next to Dad.” He smiled, Deedee following directions and sitting next to him. “What is it?” She said, somewhat scared.
“Oh, I just wanted to see my only girl. And tell you how much I love you, and Dexter too!”
-“Uh.. Okay Dad, I better get going.”
“Don’t you love me, Deedee?”
His daughter gave him a quizzical look, rolling her eyes. “Yes, I need to get going-” Dad interjected, grabbing her arm. “How much do you love me?” He whispered. 
Deedee looked scared for a few choice moments, only having a basic grasp and understanding of what was to come. “A.. a lot Dad, please I need to go-" 
"I’ve been so lonely, Deedee. Your Mother doesn't love me anymore. That.. spark is gone and I don’t know what to do.” He said dramatically, grasp still tight on her arm. “Will you please.. help me?”
Despite her resisting, Dad forced Deedee’s hand downwards to his legs, where his growing erection was already peeping out of his pants. “Please.. Please Deedee.” After a few moments of silent crying, her Father’s penis was fully hard. His crotch and balls where almost as hairy as he was, cock dripping with pre already without anyone even touching it. With a swift motion he brought her hand downward, grabbing the shaft and forcefully making her pump it.
“Oh.. Aww yes.. That’s ittt…” He hissed, hips bucking already at Deedee’s small and soft hands working his member. Deedee cried as her hands where forced to touch Dad’s cock, looking up at the ceiling and walls, anything to not be forced to see what she was being made to do.
“Au-Augh-Augh!” Her Father screamed out, ribbons of cum erupting from his swollen cock and landing all over her father and coating Deedee’s hands and arms. With small gasps of breath he reached for his pipe and took a long puff of tobacco, letting his cock go limp as he went to lay back on the bed like before, cum marking his pajamas like a trophy.
“Now, don’t tell anyone!” Dad said happily, Deedee reduced to tears yet again as she tried to wipe the semen on her tutu. She exited the room just as quietly as she entered it.

More crashes erupted through the facility as Deedee continued to destroy more machinery and devices in her Brothers laboratory. “DEEDEE! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?! WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU!?” Her brother screamed over the intercom systems. Deedee cried as she poured her anger and hatred into the destruction of the machines, losing herself in the chaos and forgetting her problems and worries. That was the way it had to be.